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Tea Blog

Official Blog of the English Tea Store

March 2012

  • How Cozy!

    A stylish tea cozy adds character to your table while keeping your tea warm between cupsful. Whether made of fabric, yarn, or other materials, they pretty much fall into one of two categories: popover (also called dome) or wrap-around (also called bachelor). In practice, the cozy either covers the teapot completely and you have to… Continue reading

  • “Is It Me or the Tea?”

    That tea with the aroma you loved last time you had it now suddenly smells funny when you sniff the dry leaves. Well, it has been in the pantry awhile, but then you’ve also had a head cold. So now you’re asking yourself, “Is it me or the tea?” Determining which is at fault can… Continue reading

  • Working Collabora-tea-vely

    My favourite phrase that I  heard from a business owner is that “there is no competition, only collaboration” and with the big corporates working alongside each other I think that there is an element of truth in that.  How about the independent tearoom which is not part of a chain?  The answer is to work… Continue reading

  • Tea Tourist

    One of the great pleasures of traveling is taking time to enjoy some tea in a new place according to the customs of the local residents. Also, being one of those people who travels for the purpose of getting a taste of what life is like in a place other than home, I consider such… Continue reading

  • More Tea Growing in Strange Places

    Think back to that cup of tea you just finished. There’s a slim to nothing chance that the tea that went into it was grown in the United States or England and very good odds that it hailed from either China, India, or Africa, the world’s top tea growers. While the former countries don’t really… Continue reading

  • Boulder, Colorado, Tea Houses — Part II

    The Boulder Dushanbe Tea House is the second tea establishment in Boulder that I visited during my time there. Several people had recommended it to me, describing it as one of the most notable places to visit in Boulder. It certainly seemed to be a popular spot! When we stopped by it was bustling and… Continue reading

  • Saving Your Pennies for Tea

    When we were kids, many of us had little “banks” (often shaped like little pigs) that we would put our coins in (mostly pennies). When enough had gathered up, we would take those coins to the local store for a sweet treat. Now, as an adult and tea lover, I save my pennies for tea.… Continue reading

  • Afternoon Tea No No’s

    Whilst I have had unforgettable experiences with afternoon tea, I have also had experiences I’d rather forget! If you’re a café, restaurant or hotel that wants to provide a fabulous experience for your customers, these are just a tea tips of some Afternoon Tea no no’s: Afternoon Tea – the clue is in the name!… Continue reading

  • Tea, Taste, and Temperature

    One day my breakfast sausage had grown cold on my plate while I was staring out the dining room window at robins, jays, etc., splashing in the birdbath. When I returned to my breakfast and took a bite of the sausage, my mind registered the difference in taste that the change in temperature made and… Continue reading

  • Indian Tea Under Siege?

    When a well-known coffee retailer chain recently announced that it would open its first location in India, in partnership with an Indian company, numerous media outlets were quick to point out that the firm would be moving into a nation that’s better known for tea than coffee. Never mind that the coffee retailing giant also sells… Continue reading

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